Jost Eggenberger Management & Consulting / JEMC

“Jost is an extremely dedicated professional and is always leading by example, while remaining with a positive attitude even when facing challenges. He has profound expertise in the smart mobility industry, but he’s also very experienced in many other technology-focused industries. Jost has an amazing passion for early-stage startups, whereas he can support them to become successful scale-ups. He reveals true interest and masters all the different areas, enabling him to be a great consultant. He also succeeds in constantly motivating people. For the reasons above and many more, I strongly recommend Jost.”

Nicolas Bürer
Managing Director at digitalswitzerland / Swiss Business Angel of the Year 2018 / Who is Who 2018 & 2019 / 27.Juni 2019

“I have co-invested with Jost in different ventures and can highly recommend him as a serious and smart investor and person. I like his integrity and the ability to ask the right questions.

Roland Zeller
Chairman of the Board at / 26. Juni 2019



“I have had the chance and honour to meet with Jost for one of my projects and I cannot simply begin to explain how valuable his input and help has been. I have experienced Jost as a keen, hyper-professional, knowledgeable and critical but supportive individual with great enthusiasm and vision. His high-quality network of investors and entrepreneurs also comes handy to get further help and orientation when needed. I wish to use this occasion to warmly thank him for all his support.

Joël Barrère
Innovation… digitalisation. Delivered! / 05. April 2019



“Clearly, Jost is one of the most forward looking automotive entrepreneurs.

Stefan Jenzowsky
Managing Director at Kopernikus Automotive / 17.Februar 2019



“Jost is a great person and a great manager. His well-developed people skills are a true asset for any large organisation, and his in-depth knowledge of the automotive business is unique. I am honored to have had the privilege to work with Jost over a period of 10 years at AMAG, the Swiss Automotive market leader.”

Morten Hannesbo
CEO AMAG Group AG; 12. März 2018, Morten Hannesbo war unmittelbarer Vorgesetzter von Jost Eggenberger

“Jost Eggenberger ist ein Mensch mit einer grossen Passion fürs Automotivgeschäft. Gleichzeitig hat er ein ausgeprägtes Gespür für die Menschen in seinem Umfeld. In dieser Kombination kann ich Jost jederzeit für spannende und komplexe Aufgaben empfehlen.”

Ida Tanner
Leiterin AMAG Group Human Resources; 23. November 2018, Jost Eggenberger hat mit Ida Tanner in der selben Gruppe gearbeitet

“Jost Eggenberger est un passionné fou ! Le monde de l’automobile lui est cher, mais en plus il a cultivé les relations humaines avec ses équipes. Toujours la bonne remarque au bon moment, on dit les choses sans compromis, mais avec style. Son engagement est total, il vit son job et sa passions et il a rendu ceci contagieux dans ses équipes. Ce fut un plaisir de travailler sous sa responsabilité.”

Charles A. Aeby
Director AMAG Vaud chez AMAG Automobil- und Motoren AG; 12. Dezember 2018, Charles A. Aeby war Jost Eggenberger direkt unterstellt

“Jost è stato un ottimo collega prima e un manager con il quale ho potuto sviluppare diversi progetti importanti. Abbiamo affrontato sfide ardue e raggiunto obiettivi impegnativi. Si è dimostrato estremamente collaborativo ed esperto. Ha sempre avuto delle strategie efficienti che hanno reso più semplice il lavoro di tutti ed è sempre stato bravo nell’esporre le sue idee al resto del team. Grazie Jost! ”

Oliviero Milani
Direttore Regione Ticino; 22. November 2018, Oliviero Milani war Jost Eggenberger direkt unterstellt